Confidential Health Questionnaire

Confidential Health Questionnaire

Please fill in all of the following and return to me via email. If there is anything that you can’t answer or is not applicable to you then just leave it blank. It will take a while but the more details that I have the better I will be able to help. I need to build up a complete picture of you, so be as specific as you can be. It is in 2 parts, the female and then the male partner. There are some general questions at the end. This is completely confidential & no one except for me will see it. I spend all day listening or reading people’s stories- nothing surprises me so feel free to give as many details as you can under all of the headings. 

Female Partner

Please rate on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high)


Describe your general eating pattern


Temperament / Character

Please write me a detailed description of yourself

Male Partner

Please rate on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high)


Describe your general eating pattern


Temperament / Character

Please write me a detailed description of yourself

This may be loss, injury, big change, shocking events, witnessing trauma, divorces etc…

Thank you for filling this out. I will get back to you if I need any further information.


Cassie Everett LCHE BA Hons
Homeopath and Natural Fertility Specialist
07588 820 409