The Honey Cap

Contraception is often tricky as there are no “ideal” solutions to the issue.  Most people these days don’t like taking the pill, after all it is a drug which has its side effects.  

Years ago, I discovered a wonderful diaphragm that had been infused with honey; The Honey Cap. Honey is actually a natural spermicide so this makes a pretty perfect form of contraception. 

The Honey CapI thought it wasn’t possible to get this device anymore. However, i’ve recently discovered that you can!  All you need to do is go to your doctor to get measured for a diaphragm to work out which size you need, as we are all different.  Make sure you don’t say “cap” to your doctor as they are different and then the size will be wrong.  Once you know what size you need, you can then order The Honey Cap directly from Andrea Eberhandt.  

You can call Andrea Eberhandt on 0043 660 5332717 or email to order your Honey Cap.  She will explain how you insert it and how to properly look after it.  It costs either £110 or £120, depending on your size.

This of course can be used in conjunction with the app natural cycles, for extra coverage if you were concerned.

For more information on the honey cap check out this article HERE.