About Cassie
I'd had terrible acne develop in my early 20s despite having very clear skin in my teens. This was devastating for my confidence.
After trying pretty much everything my doctor had to offer me I asked her if I could try something natural like homeopathy. She said that she could refer me on the NHS to the homeopathic hospital in London, so I went along.
The experience of seeing the homeopath was so different from seeing the doctor. It was so intriguing.
After about 6 months of homeopathic treatment not only had my acne disappeared but my confidence levels had massively improved. Reflecting on how my health was back then I realise I had undiagnosed PCOS because of the acne around my chin, the difficult periods and additional hair growth I was experiencing at the time.
I was inspired to retrain in homeopathy, and I have never looked back. Studying homeopathy opened my eyes to a whole new and exciting world that instinctively made so much sense to me.
I think the budding homeopath was always in me. When I was 16 I had an epileptic fit, out of the blue. I’ll never forget my appointment with the specialist to discuss the results of my brain scan. My results were ‘bad’ and I was put on an epilepsy medication for life. I questioned everything and after much-heated debate, the specialist agreed to let me re-evaluate the treatment 12 months later. At the 12 month review we agreed that I would come off the medication, he wasn't that happy about it but I’d not had a fit and was very adamant about it so he agreed and I haven’t had a fit since.
It’s been 18 years since I qualified as a homeopath, and I've specialised in treating infertility for the last 15 years. I feel passionate about helping people regain balance in their health and lives, and feel so lucky to truly love the work that I do, especially through my fertility programme. There's also nothing quite like the incredible feeling you get when someone tells you they're pregnant, especially knowing what they've been through to get to that point.
As well as a homeopath I am a Natural Family Planning Teacher and am also an accredited therapist for the Foresight Association, which is a nation-wide organisation offering specialist services for people wishing to conceive. I also teach and supervise other homeopaths and run regular workshops.
In my spare time, I enjoy sewing and am in the middle of making an epic double patchwork quilt. I love to dance and going for country walks especially in south Wales where I’m originally from.
I know how important it is for you to find the right person to work with, that's why I offer a free 30 minute call so you can find out.