Success Stories

Nothing says more about what you do and how you do it than the people you’ve helped along the way…
heres what a few of them have to say about their experiences:

M.T baby pic

M.T (40yrs)

I found Cassie's program very helpful. She shared useful insight and ideas. The remedies were very well organised and with easy instructions. Now, I have my beautiful healthy daughter and could not be happier.


A.B, Hampshire.

Back in June 2022, we lost our baby boy after a healthy full term pregnancy due to a rare heart defect. As well as supporting us in dealing with our grief, Cassie also prescribed us remedies to help us with our future fertility as we were keen to try again for another baby as it had taken a long time to conceive previously. Cassie also gave us lots of general healthy living advice which we still live by now. All of this gave us purpose and positivity, and we were fortunate enough to fall pregnant at the end of our treatment programme with Cassie and in December 2023 we welcomed a healthy baby girl.


R.A, Bath, UK

I reached out to Cassie after 5 years of trying to conceive and being told I couldn’t have any more children. I had never tried homeopathy before, was sceptical and this really was a last resort. I am so pleased I did it. Cassie is a wonder to work with from the start, empathetic, I got so much from our conversations alone, kind and professional.

The homeopathy really opened my eyes and made me look beyond the diagnosis, stay positive and value my body. The combination of a clear timetable of carefully chosen remedies and some small diet adjustments and a little love made all the difference.

Having had a healthy baby girl since my sessions with Cassie I highly recommend giving this a go.

I am forever grateful to Cassie for the hope and positivity she gave me during a very dark time and for her hard work and support which helped me to conceive.




I had been trying to get pregnant for five years with no luck, I finally decided to speak to Cassie and started her remedies. I got pregnant and now I have a healthy 1-year-old daughter. I highly recommend working with Cassie! She is an angel sent from above, helping everyone who is struggling to conceive. Thank you so much, your remedies were a miracle

M.G baby

M.G, Bristol

We were in a fragile state when we reached out to Cassie for help with our fertility, we had had several miscarriages which were taking their toll on my body and mental health. Cassie made us feel heard, held and supported as she worked out the best remedies and lifestyle changes we needed to make. She saw us as two whole people and also as a unit, which felt so important. After our first consultation Cassie sent us the remedies we needed and a very thorough plan for diet and other changes we could make. We followed it all religiously and it made the world of difference, after years of trying for a baby and having miscarriages we were pregnant again after 3 months of working with Cassie. I'm sat here writing this with my beautiful, healthy baby girl in a sling snoozing away. Cassie made a gigantic difference in our fertility journey at a time when we were feeling hopeless, and we can't thank her enough - her gentle, kind and positive support alongside her wealth of knowledge is incredible.


E.C Ireland

We came to Cassie after I suffered a missed miscarriage 10 short months after a devastating loss at 22 weeks. I couldn't believe life could be so cruel. Made all the more painful as I had just turned 40 when the former happened and felt my time was running out. I knew I needed to embark on something to help deal with the grief and emotional issues and get my hormones and body in tip top shape if I was to avoid another loss. I liked the fact that Cassie offered her amazing homeopathy experience combined with a nutritionist. I didn't really know what to expect, a 4 month program seemed so long and how would I cope with waiting for the optimum egg and the perfect conditions.But we needn't have worried we were in safe hands with Cassie. And although I lost heart the odd time, every remedy Cassie chose seemed to progress in the right direction. We got pregnant on the second cycle after the 4 month program. Waiting to try was hard but boy was
it worth the wait. We now have a beautiful baby boy called Milo, his big sister adores him too. Thank you Cassie, we are eternally grateful for your help, kindness and compassion.


P.P, Norway

Fed up with conventional medicine, I began looking for alternative approaches and very skeptically met with Cassie. This was four years ago. Since that initial meeting, Cassie is the first person I call when a health issue arises. When I started working with Cassie, I was taking many conventional medications which I was told I would need frequently. Over the course of a year, I was no longer taking any of those medications. In the four years I have been seeing Cassie, she has successfully healed my hypothyroidism and endometriosis (no regrowth since having it removed four years ago), and has also contributed to healing deep, complex trauma.

Her easy to implement common-sense recommendations, combined with homeopathic remedies also supported my body during common colds and flu, and I recovered quicker than I ever previously had.

Cassie’s way of working is empowering in that it has helped me help myself. Her approach of openly sharing knowledge and resources and encouraging autonomy over our own minds and bodies has resulted in me being able to treat myself for a range of ailments, and has given me much food for thought on modern day approaches to healing. I cannot recommend Cassie enough!


M.S New Zealand

I was 43 and a half when our son was born.  So wanted then and now four months on so dearly loved.  I had already been following nutritional advice but the sessions with Cassie seemed to be what was needed.  Just like Cassie predicted, the positive pregnancy test came very early on - just a few months.

There is something utterly magic about what Cassie does and I am grateful in a way that I cannot put adequately into words. If I can persuade my husband that another baby is a good idea, I'll be talking with you again very soon!


L.P 35yrs London

I met with Cassie 4 years ago when I was in a desperate period of my life. I had been trying to conceive for a couple of years and I got a diagnosis of low ovarian reserve and found out that my other hormonal levels were quite low as well. All doctors were quite pessimistic and pushed me towards IVF. Cassie helped me to find the right hormonal balance, and homeopathic treatment combined with her good advice on food, supplements and her positivity in the process made a real impact on me and my hormone results. After a few months I managed to fall pregnant naturally and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. 3 years later, same scenario, and this time I managed to have a beautiful baby girl! 🙂


H.K Los Angeles, California

'After three unsuccessful rounds of IVF my husband and I decided to take a break from treatment and try some alternative ideas for improving our chances of getting pregnant. We were recommended Cassie by a friend and met with her on Skype for an initial consultation. Having never tried any alternative therapies or holistic medicine, we were skeptical but willing to give it a try. At first the changes were very difficult - giving up foods we enjoyed and investing a lot more time and money in preparing meals and purchasing supplements, but after a few months we were feeling the positive benefits of her advice. We both had more energy, were sleeping well and in better shape. My menstrual cycle started to regulate and my husband's sperm count improved. When we returned to IVF after 6 months we were able to retrieve twice as many high quality embryos - one of which went on to be our happy and healthy baby boy.'


A.Z Singapore

My hubby and I are 33 years old this year and we’d had one miscarriage previously. 
We’d spent 4 years trying to conceive naturally and consulted different doctors and taken various types of medications.

Fertility checks at the hospital showed that we were generally healthy. 

I'm glad that we chanced upon Cassie's help online in 2018. 

Though her consultations were via Skype, I felt her sincerity and care in helping us to conceive. 

Homeopathic treatment was not new for me but with Cassie, she tried to find the root of our situation based on our food, lifestyle, work nature, our emotions etc. 
She also looked through our fertility test results that we had from the hospital. 

She was encouraging yet realistic. 

We had to make changes to our diet and to exercise. 

But the hardest change for me was that due to my work nature in the healthcare industry (Radiation), I was strongly advised by Cassie to switch my job. 

It was such a difficult decision to make, especially since I had been working there for 8.5 years. 

Following the program with Cassie I noticed I had a lot more energy. A few months after the program, I told myself that I had enough of being stuck in this frustrating situation, so I quit my job and in less than a month I found myself pregnant. 

I am almost 16 weeks pregnant now. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you Cassie for all your help, encouragement and advice.

I wish all other couples success in their journey in TTC. Stay strong and don't lose hope. 

Vicki B

Vicki B, 45yrs

"Thank you for your help Cassie. I keep pinching myself as I can't believe she's here after all this time.... I want to soak up every second!!

Our beautiful baby daughter, Isabelle arrived in July 2016. We just wanted to say a massive thank you to you for all your help and guidance which I truly believe resulted in our success.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Times 1million!"


K.S East London

“Cassie has been a great help to me. I had been trying to conceive for almost 3 years when I decided to try homeopathy. After some very detailed consultations Cassie prescribed me several remedies which I took for 3 months; and hey presto I fell pregnant at the beginning of the fourth month. Once I had fallen pregnant, unfortunately I was one of those women who has a pretty difficult time at first, feeling very sick, constipated, painfully boated, being sick, having headaches and no energy at all. Cassie supported me closely throughout this period constantly tweaking the remedies as she had done during the initial pre pregnancy stage. I would recommend Cassie to anyone who is trying to conceive. She is professional, supportive, friendly and a wonderful person as well as therapist! We now have a beautiful baby girl.”


M.P-S, Bali

“Before coming to Cassie, I had had a miscarriage and had wanted to become a mum for many years without much luck. My hubby and I had given it a good go for about a year and nothing was happening. During our session Cassie asked me some well thought out questions and held me in a beautiful space so she could determine what homeopathic remedies were the right ones for me.  6 weeks later – Leo was conceived! WOW – and 9 months later i have had the privelage to hold litle Leo in my arms. Thanks Cassie! If you are wanting to get pregnant the organic way Cassie is your woman!”


D.L North London

“We’d been trying for a baby for a year and having PCOS didn’t help the situation. After just one appointment with Cassandra we fell pregnant the following month! We now have a healthy 8 month old that brings us joy every day”


S.A Thornton Heath

“I’m 42 and I’d been trying for a baby for nearly 19 years, I was told by doctors it would be virtually impossible to conceive as I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, I tried IVF and fertility treatment for many years which all didn’t work for me. I became more and more anxious and depressed, I felt a failure but believed god would bring a solution and one day I searched the internet and came across Cassie. So I went for a consultation and after several months of treatment and nutritional advice I am pleased to say that I became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy in March this year. I’d like to give Cassie thanks for helping me.”


E.M London

"I met with Cassie after struggling for a long time to get pregnant with a second child. Her homeopathic treatments complemented the other traditional (clomid) and alternative treatments (acupuncture, hypnotherapy) that I embraced in my journey to finally have a successful pregnancy. Cassie is a lovely, warm, calming influence and she treats the whole person rather than just the symptoms. For example, she prescribed remedies to treat my feelings of sadness following a miscarriage which did really make a difference. I felt she created a safe space to discuss sensitive topics and was very accepting of the advice that other practitioners gave (including doctors) which gave me a sense of comfort that she was confident in her own skills and supportive of my choices. I did finally manage to get pregnant again and my little boy is now six months old and the light of our lives. Thanks Cassie"


S.B London

I came to see you when I was trying for a baby and to get my period back which had stopped for 8 years and left me with lots of pain. Anyways after the first treatment my period came back and I got pregnant with my third child which I had been waiting for, for 8 years. My daughter is now 5 years old and I am still having my regular period. I would like to thank you from bottom of my heart.


A.K 42yrs, London

After years of struggling with infertility despite all tests showing there was nothing wrong I turned to homeopathy to see if that would help and met with Cassie who listened and helped me through some of my darkest times. I persevered and along with homeopathic remedies and other holistic treatments I conceived not one but two beautiful babies. I will always be eternally grateful to Cassie.


K.H.S Mordon

“After a year of trying to fall pregnant unsuccessfully I started Cassie’s Homeopathic programme, Cassie also discussed introducing relaxation techniques into my life to help improve my fertility and we fell pregnant almost immediately, we now a beautiful 8 week old baby girl, Cerene.”

B.W baby pic

R.W, Amsterdam

I heard about Cassie through a friend who had heard of her and knew of her track record working with fertility. Although I’d had one previous positive experience with homeopathy, I never imagined the impact it could have on something like fertility, but I was desperately looking for a solution so we thought we’d try it.

Going on the journey with Cassie was terrifying at first, we’d lost 3 babies in the previous 18 months, always inside the first 8 weeks. Although we had a child who was 2.5 years old back then, she’d given us sleepless nights since being born, and we were both exhausted.

I was also in the middle of a health crisis. As Cassie put it, I’d been stuck in overdrive, doing a man’s job in a woman’s body for more than 15 years, running my own company. There I was, at age 39, asking my body to conceive again. I was used to thinking and working, like a man, my periods were light and I couldn’t sleep, our daughter also still wasn’t sleeping (she was born when I was in ‘fight or flight’ mode).

Cassie gave us a course of remedies and it is no exaggeration to say that particularly for me, I felt the impact of these almost right away, probably because my system was sensitive to everything back then, but over time the effect became more subtle.

Cassie told me back then that we would need to wait at least 6 months before trying again, something that was very difficult to consider because I was worried about my age, but she explained strong health was more important than age as a factor. I listened, mainly because I couldn’t bear the pain of yet another miscarriage. The grief by that time was very bad, I was bordering on depressed as I simply didn’t know there would come a day when we’d have a baby in our arms.

She said I would know myself when I was starting to feel better after the treatment, and that it normally takes 6 months. But 6 months came and went, and I still didn’t feel any better. But I didn’t give up yet - because I’d seen some positive signs and she’d also given some remedies to our daughter and within 8 weeks, she was sleeping through the night for the first time, (nothing short of a miracle in our world).

I explained that I thought I was a special case, because by that time I finally realized how much I’d been pushing myself, and that I’d like her to do a further top-up course with me.

She sent more remedies for another few weeks. Towards the end of this and much without my realizing, I started dressing better, I was going to the gym, losing weight, wearing make-up, and suddenly, I realised I was feeling good. We decided to try again. It is no exaggeration to say that we tried for a few days in my fertile window and we were pregnant immediately. This time, despite a huge amount of angst and worry, moving house and finishing a house renovation, the baby remained. When I saw the heartbeat on the scan a few weeks later I couldn’t believe my eyes.

It was not plain sailing there, my previous miscarriages had set me up for the most anxious 6 month wait of my life. I faced fear after fear of losing our child every week and month. We took all the tests at 12 weeks and everything seemed fine, then every scan, every blood check, and so on. I reached out to Cassie and she supported me at several anxious moments, also helping me with the anxiety itself. I literally do not think I could have carried this baby to term without her.

Cassie is not just a homeopath, she is a healer on different levels, with a strong intuition for what could be going on with her clients systems and how to correct it naturally. Homeopathy is the cornerstone of her work, but she also explains how your life can impact you, she suggests herbal essences, and via Karen’s testing, nutritional supplements, some which I still take today. She even advised me to take some medicine at a moment when I explained I’d been offered it by a local doctor, so her approach is not ‘anti-medicine’ either. She will just think up solution after solution to get you through, and you have to trust her because she is great at this!

Today my boy is 4 weeks old, he is healthy and happy, and much calmer than my first child. I not only thank Cassie for her help conceiving him, but also for what she has taught us all on this journey. I do not hesitate to recommend her to any of our friends and family with all manner of questions and these days I truly believe homeopathy is the answer to so many of our physical and mental issues.

Thank you so much Cassie ! You have made an enormous impact in our lives.


E.P 43yrs, Devon

My husband & I sought Cassie's help after I'd experienced 13 miscarriages.  I was already familiar with homeopathy, so was hopeful that she could help us.  It was really encouraging that not only would I be treated, but also my husband.  Cassie emphasises that both parents contribute to the health of a baby, which I believe is so true.  The free initial consult was so helpful to meet Cassie & find out what she thought she could do to help us.

Cassie was always friendly & insightful.  She was very organised & I could tell she really cared about us.  Even after our consultations were finished, Cassie sometimes wrote to check on me & offered advice.  At the end of the treatment programme, I found out I was pregnant again, but this time, I didn't miscarry & I am due to have a baby any day now.  I am so thankful we found Cassie & for her help!


V.D, London

I reached out to Cassie after a miscarriage to help me rebalance my body and support us in our journey for a second child. Cassie’s calming, reassuring and positive demeanour really helped me psychologically as well and set us on the right path for trying again.

I had a tumultuous pregnancy with placenta previa, bleeding and other issues and Cassie supported me throughout. She also provided me with a detailed kit of remedies for labour, birth and breastfeeding, which I found immensely helpful, and which assisted in a speedier recovery.

I have recommended Cassie to a few friends and wouldn’t hesitate to reach out to her again.


S.M, Bristol, UK

After 2 devastating miscarriages, I found there to be a gap in care for my situation. I found Cassie while looking for something to help me have a successful pregnancy rather than feel like I was going to suffer the same outcome if I concieved again.

Cassie listened to me attentively, our conversation was the outlet I had needed and the offer of hope that she gave to me in those dark days, felt like a lifeline.

The treatment was amazing, from the first day I felt a noticeable boost in mood and energy. The benefits continued throughout the treatment where I noticed I no longer had mood swings, I had energy for excercise that I hadn't had for years and overall my health improved.

I was lucky enough to fall pregnant quickly and go on to have a successful pregnancy supported by Cassie and we now have a beautiful baby boy.

I cannot thank Cassie enough for her support and the part she played in giving us our miracle baby.


Lauren, South West London, 38

I started working with Cassie after 2 miscarriages in 2018, with a demanding career in banking, there seemed to be little hope of me falling pregnant again. The stress, emotional and physical pain of the miscarriages had taken their toll on me and i was desperate.

Cassie kindly and compassionate gave me hope again, we started working on rebalancing my system that was depleted and exhausted on many levels. After roughly 9 months work, I am so happy to say that I fell pregnant again and gave birth in December 2019 to a healthy beautiful little girl. As busy modern day women juggling many things in order to survive, we aren’t always aware of the toll this takes on our bodies and our ability to fall pregnant. I have no doubt that me falling pregnant successfully again was only possible through the homeopathic healing work we did together that was so desperately needed for me to have a strong healthy enough system to carry again.

Thank you Cassie and recommend to all that face the same struggles to explore this natural and gentle way of healing on their journey to parent hood.


A.R 42yrs London

I am a happy mum of three lovely sons, 25, 24 yrs and 5 months old!!!
When I met Cassie, I was exhausted, depressed and thought I was peri menopausal.
Then together with my husband we started homeopathic treatment. We changed the quality of our food and drink, and did everything that Cassie recommend. Very soon my period came back to a normal cycle and I felt more emotionally stable.
My husband and I wanted to have a baby together, but several doctors told us that I was too old (42) and that I didn’t have enough eggs. All of them recommended that we do IVF, but we refused. I felt so sad about it but Cassie helped me stay hopeful and said: you only need ONE egg! She helped me stay POSITIVE!. We finished the therapy, my husband stopped drinking alcohol completely, we took vitamins and .....
Oh, my God, we got pregnant!!! The miracle happened for us!!!
We are so happy, because we waited for our baby for so long! Our baby was born 5 months ago, all natural. He’s absolutely adorable, healthy and happy!!!
Thank you Cassie for caring for me for such a long time and helping us to make our dream come true!!!


E.S London

"I went to see Cassie due to a difficult cycle (after years of taking the pill) and a very worrying diagnosis from a fertility clinic.

I started taking the remedies and following Cassie's advice in terms of lifestyle changes, supplements etc. I got pregnant few months after and my baby boy is now a week old! When I was 35 weeks pregnant my husband and I had a session with Cassie to discuss remedies to take during different stage of childbirth. Despite the long labour I'm pleased to say that my baby didn't need any help during delivery and I'm recovering very quickly!”


K.B London

“Cassie is a wonderful homeopath and a kind soul and I will be forever grateful to her for helping me conceive my most precious baby boy. I thought I would never be able to have a baby, after dealing with chronic health issues, miscarriages, and surgery for endometriosis that left my ovary dissected in two. Just a few short months after I started working with Cassie, I got pregnant naturally–something IUI and multiple rounds of clomid (with its attendant side-effects) failed to do. Her remedies not only shrunk another endometrioma that was growing, but they seemingly helped repair the ovary damaged in surgery as it suddenly “sprang to life” and produced that fateful egg. She truly is a miracle worker and I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone struggling with fertility or women’s health issues. She was an absolute blessing to me.”

D.M Italy

D.M Italy

A man and an ex-scientist, I was sceptical about homeopathy and natural fertility methods. I was wrong, and I am grateful for that to my partner and to Cassie. Doctors said there was nothing wrong with us apart from my partner being beyond 40, and could only recommend IVF. Cassie instead assisted us using fertility charts, detoxing, homeopathic remedies, and most important of all treating us as a whole person. Causes for Infertility can be deeper than what any medical scan can reveal. Cassie believed in us even when I myself had given up in frustration. I now look in awe at our little Maia, born July 2016, against all medical statistics. Mum and baby healthier than what could result from any IVF treatment. This journey would not have been possible without Cassie’s kind and invaluable help. This is definitely a big success story, for Cassie in the first place!


T.K, Berlin

“I met Cassie Everett over a year ago. By that time I almost despaired to become pregnant. I was 37 having painful and irregular periods and polycystic ovary syndrome. Traditional medicine hadn’t helped; it actually made me feel worse after a course of treatment with hormones. At that time I didn’t trust the homeopathy either; I just didn’t know how powerful it was, and simply decided to try…

I noticed changes after the first month of starting the homeopathic treatment with Cassie – these changes were not only physical but also emotional. In a couple of month my periods became regular and less painful. After seven months I became pregnant. It was amazing!

My pregnancy went very well – thanks to Cassie and homeopathic remedies. I found out that homeopathy can ease the discomfort caused by the intoxication in the first trimester. Then later on when a doctor prescribed antibiotics to me during my pregnancy, Cassie recommended a homeopathic remedy instead that helped me recover quickly and efficiently and most importantly without having to take antibiotics during my pregnancy.

When the time came for me to give birth, my contractions were weak. I asked Cassie for help, and the remedies she advised made a big change: contractions became strong and productive, and the labor went very well.

Now I am a happy mother of a little baby boy. I often ask Cassie for advice; the remedies she recommends make an amazing difference helping my baby and me quickly and safely.

Cassie is a great specialist, responsive and a helpful person. She uses a wise holistic approach where physical health depends on one’s spiritual state and vica verse. I found out that homeopathy is a powerful and safe remedy that helps to find a perfect balance for the body and emotions.”


H.S London

“I was diagnosed with PCOS many years ago, and always at the back of my mind was whether I would have difficulties conceiving. When we started trying for a baby, my doctor was keen to refer me to a fertility clinic. I wanted to wait, however, and first explore the natural options available. That is why I went to see Cassie, particularly since she had experience of working with women who have PCOS. I wasn’t sure what to expect- my cycle was all over the place, often with very long gaps and I knew very little about homeopathy and how it could help. But I thought it was worth a try. I met with Cassie twice, first in February 2011. I discovered I was pregnant at the end of April 2011. Almost a year later I am thoroughly enjoying being a Mum to a very healthy three month old, Charlie. I would not hesitate to recommend Cassie, particularly to women with PCOS as she has so much experience in this area… as the new addition to my family will testify!”


S.Z, London

“I went to see Cassie as my last chance to become pregnant after 6 years of trying, I’d had 4 failed IVF’s and countless visits to doctors all over the world. I have to say, she is absolutely amazing, Cassie was the first person i opened up to and managed to explain what i was going through. Every woman who’s unable to conceive knows what i mean. I saw Cassie once, she gave me the remedies and i went home. The following month i had an agonising period, the pain was unbearable (as they say it will get worse before it gets better) and the next month, an absolute miracle, i fell pregnant. I will never really be able to thank Cassie enough, I now have a beautiful baby boy. I have seen many great doctors and no one was able to help me – Cassie did ;)))”


J.A London

“Cassie came recommended to me via Nelsons Homeopathic Pharmacy. I was seeking help for fertility due to a low egg count and being 42 years of age. I was healthy and fit nonetheless and did not want to accept conventional medicine’s wisdom that IVF was the only option. I found Cassie’s approach very professional and caring and in addition to my prescribed remedies she has been very helpful in suggesting dietary refinements, supplements and lifestyle choices. I really enjoy our sessions as I always leave feeling happier and more positive about life’s challenges. And most significantly I now have a beautiful baby girl”

E.M, London

E.M, London

“Cassie is a fantastic homeopath. I went to see her about trying to conceive. I have PCOS, and non-existent periods. I saw her for the first time in December and got my first period just six weeks later. Cycles became predictable and although around 40 days, with her remedies I fell pregnant in May. That pregnancy unfortunately resulted in a very early miscarriage but Cassie supported me through it.I carried on with her remedies and fell pregnant again in August, now I have a beautiful baby girl. I would not hesitate to recommend Cassie, she really does produce results.”


A.C 31yrs, U.S

Before having met Cassie, I was running out of options for how to regulate my body back to health and for being able to have a baby.

I had tried changing my diet, and taking supplements from the pharmacies, but nothing worked.

My parents had heard of a wonderful natural alternative, which was Homeopath. From a referral they had been given: Miss Cassie Everett. I was astonished with how quickly things worked for my body in response to the Homeopathic medicines she had given me.

I am currently, expecting my first child!

I’m ever so grateful to Cassie! From my visiting her, I am extremely excited to be welcoming my first born, and, I now know that Homeopathic medicines, are natural, and for us!


N.Wickham, North West London

“We’d been trying for a baby for a year but having PCOS and a bicornate uterus seemed to be slowing things down. Having seen Cassie we got pregnant 3 months later unfortunately that ended in miscarriage followed 2 months later by another. However, we got pregnant 3 months later and with Cassie’s help had a healthy pregnancy which has resulted in a beautiful baby girl. Without a doubt homeopathy helped us to conceive as well as helping us through a particularly difficult time. Our daughter is now 3 weeks old and doing well!”


M.F Glasgow

"In 2015 I contacted Cassie for advice on stopping the contraceptive pill which I had taken for over 10 years. The reason for this was that my husband and I hoped to start a family.

My first consultation with Cassie was very successful. I immediately felt at ease and confident that her advice on appropriate homeopathic remedies would be carefully tailored to suit my needs.

I had several consultations with Cassie and as a result I felt very secure about taking the prescribed homeopathic medicines.

Cassie has always given the very best attention to any questions of concern to me whether large or small as a result I would highly recommend homeopathic consultations with Cassie.

P.S. the happy ending to my story is a beautiful baby girl called Alice!"


B.C, New Zealand

“My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for around 18 months and had just seen an obstetrician to look at medical interventions to get pregnant. We weren’t very keen on the medication they wanted to give me so after seeing Cassie on a PCOS support facebook page I contacted her for help. She was amazing, even though she was on the other side of the world, she talked us through the options and was very understanding of our worry, after having had two miscarriages previously. She tweaked the remedies for me according to my needs, and within 3 months I was pregnant! We now have a happy, healthy 2 month old girl who brings us joy each and every day.”


C.F 36yrs, London

After suffering from PCOS and having hormonal imbalances most of my life, doctors told me I would need some assistance whenever I wanted to try to get pregnant, and that it wouldn't be easy. I decided to give homeopathy a go, and spoke with Cassie. It took me 3 months once we started trying, and now I'm holding my beautiful baby boy! She didn't just help me getting pregnant but she supported me all throughout the pregnancy and birth too.


R.C 45yrs London

Homeopathy has helped me through so many facets of my life that it is hard to explain just how supportive and welcoming it has been.   Through my journey of IVF, pregnancy, birth, womanhood, motherhood and beyond,  Cassie has worked with my family’s continuous evolving needs. She is loving, compassionate and educative through every consultation. I could not recommend her services enough.


C.D 43yrs London

I really recommend Cassie - she knows her stuff. We had been trying to conceive for about a year after a miscarriage, maximizing all factors: checking ovulation strips everyday, making sure all bases were covered, and still no pregnancy. We both were in our early 40s, and didn't really know what else to do. I'm glad we found Cassie - her "hyper" detailed chart for tracking monthly fertility (you think you know it all, but you probably don't!) with her homeopathic pills did the trick - we've now got a wonderful baby boy. I wish everyone the same joy!


E.S, London

“After two miscarriages I began seeing Cassie for homeopathic treatment. She was incredibly warm and caring, and I immediately began to feel more positive about my chances of a successful pregnancy. She took time to talk through my health history and to understand my anxieties to be able to offer the best care and advice possible. After only 2 appointments I became pregnant and our beautiful daughter was born on 15 March 2014. I am certain homeopathy helped and would absolutely recommend Cassie to anyone else in the same situation. I would also consider homeopathy for other aspects of my health and wellbeing; for me it was a very positive experience.”