Free 30 Minute Call Free 30 Minute CallΔ Notify First NameLast NameEmailPhone/MobileAgePartners age (if applicable)ProfessionWhere did you hear about me and my work?Please give a summary of the health challenges you would like help with….Have you been pregnant before?Whats your current diagnosis if you have one?What have you tried so far in terms of fertility treatment (both medically and complimentary medicine)?Have you ever had any talking therapy before?What are the 3 things that are stressing you out the most about your fertility situation?What changes have you made so far to improve your fertility, if any?Do you follow any specific diet or exclude any particular food groups from your diet ie: Vegan, Paleo, Keto, Dairy, gluten free etc... Please state which, for how long and the reasons why.Cassie, here’s something else I want you to know…..Submit Form