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An Important Return to the Feminine for YOUR Fertility

I wanted to share with you the amazing, brand-new book from the American fertility coach Rosanne Austin. Every woman should read this book, especially if you’ve been...
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Promoting Egg Health & New Egg Production

That’s correct, you heard me right. It's not just men's bodies, but women’s bodies can manufacture brand-new eggs as well.  It was once thought that women were born...
Three Generations

You Were Inside Your Grandmothers Womb…

I find it so fascinating to think that the egg that gave rise to you was actually inside your grandmother's womb and was in the ovary of...

Infertile: Upcoming Documentary

I am very excited to share with you all the trailer for the compelling new documentary "Infertile" that I was a part of. The documentary looks at...

Men, the easy win!

When it comes to improving your fertility, treating your man with homeopathy is one of the quickest ways to bring your fertility back online. Let me explain...
Mother and Baby

Are you creating space for a baby?

I will often ask my clients if they found out they were pregnant tomorrow would there be space in their life for a baby? And often the...
Happy woman with a cup of tea

3 Fertility Boosts for the Mind

Fertile is happy; not tired and isolated I’ve mentioned this before; but it’s important to remember that the mind and the body are deeply connected, the one...
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The Dangers of Plastics

We ingest countless chemicals through contaminated foods and beverages. We inhale them in microscopic particles and reabsorb them through our skin. These forever chemicals do endless harm...
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Is past trauma holding your hormones hostage?

When we have a history of trauma or traumatic experiences the memories or thoughts of these experiences can be stored in the body. When our nervous system...
Woman Alone

Do you have a social phobia?

When I run scans on my bio-resonance machine for ladies trying to get pregnant, what comes up time and time again is lifestyle stress – social phobia....