An Important Return to the Feminine for YOUR Fertility
I wanted to share with you the amazing, brand-new book from the American fertility coach Rosanne Austin. Every woman should read this book, especially if you’ve been on a long fertility journey.
Rosanne shares how the feminine has been increasingly undermined over the last couple of decades. This has resulted in a massive decline in fertility across the Western world. Strong words, you may think, but sadly, it is true. Rosanne really shines a light on how it’s all gone wrong but also shares amazing mindset techniques and ideas for restoring your femininity to its former glory.
Here are a couple of excerpts from the book:
“Women in the United States are more unhappy today than they were prior to women’s lib. This means that we’ve worked our butts off based on masculine measures of success. Many of us struggle to have the babies we long for, and when we finally take a moment to look around at our lives, far too many of us are asking, WTF?
This is shocking, but if we are honest, it’s not altogether surprising. When you suppress nature for long enough, there is a reckoning, and it’s rarely a pretty one. Mother Nature can be ruthless and exacting in her justice. What did we think would happen after decades of making our femininity wrong, suppressing our desires for love and family, and denying the calling of our highest selves? The artificial, masculine super-woman propped up by an anti-feminine media, education system, and political ‘elite’ has fallen flat. The data proves it, and more women are waking up to the lie.”
“Women who want to have babies ‘later in life’ face way more scrutiny and judgement than some dude who up and decides one day he wants to hack off his genitals and start calling himself Barbee. I promise you, that guy would get boatloads of compassion and support, while biological women who are equally following their hearts get a condescending, stern-faced lecture. How’s that for a double standard? Men who reject their biology are elevated, celebrated, and accommodated, while women embracing theirs get slapped with stats. To add insult to injury, the same ‘feminists’ who side-eye you for being a ‘breeder’ will welcome Barbee with open arms. Oh, the masculine matriarchy.”
“It’s unnatural and absurd to think that women could sustain stress like men and face no biological consequences. Women are not men. Men don’t have babies. We are equal but not the same. That should be obvious, but we are living in the aftermath of warped cultural conditioning that’s spent decades propagandizing otherwise. The insane success stories found in my own coaching practice are proof positive of what I’m saying here. When my ladies stop acting like men, they start having babies. This is true regardless of age and how many times they’ve failed with treatment in the past. In fact, some even do the thing White Coats say isn’t possible ‘at their age’ and with their ‘conditions’: they get pregnant naturally.”
Click here to purchase this amazing book.