Some fantastic news for older mums to be….

In the Observer magazine this sunday there was a superb article on the true statistics around womens fertility and how in fact it doesn’t decline anywhere near as much when you reach 35 as is bounded around in the media.  What was interesting to me was that they highlight the fact that when the media says your fertility falls through the floor at 35 they are basing this statement on extremely old french birth records dating from 1670 to 1830.

Some more recent research paints a very different picture.  One study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology in 2004 examined the chances of pregnancy among 770 european women.  It found that with sex at least twice a week, 82% of 35-39 year old women conceive within a year, compared with 86% of 27-34 year olds.  Another study released this march in Fertility and Sterility followed 2,820 Danish women as they tried to get pregnant.  Among women having sex during their fertile time 78% of 35-40 year olds got pregnant within a year, compared with 84%  of 20-34 year olds.  Both these studies show that the decline in fertility from your 20’s to your 30’s is actually alot smaller than we are led to believe.

The author concludes by saying theres no need to panic if you’re not ready to conceive before you hit 35 Just make sure you’re having lots of regular sex when you do decide to start trying and most importantly understand when your most fertile time is as knowing this can significantly improve your chances of conception naturally. Click here to sign up for my free e-book which helps you to pinpoint when your most fertile time is.