What About Your Other Half?

When it comes to your fertility, 50% is down to you and your health but the other 50% is all about the male factor.

Often the man is overlooked and in the past men weren’t even considered to be part of the fertility picture at all, but more and more research is proving that fertility issues are linked very much to the male factor and so it’s important to consider them as well as yourself.

Husband and WifeI will often stress the importance of the male aspect because when you break it down, the male 50% is pretty much all about the sperm so it’s easier to improve. It is linked to testosterone which influences the sperm quality and quantity but essentially, it’s all about the sperm. Whereas the female 50% is made up of many different components for example the egg quality, the blood supply to the uterus, the different hormones at play, the health of the cervix, the uterine lining etc…which makes women more complicated to treat.  

A brand new batch of sperm is manufactured from scratch every 3 months, therefore it is easily improved. It strikes me that improving the sperm is an easy win when improving your overall combined fertility.  

The following research study on sperm quality and homeopathic treatment is a great example of how amazing homeopathy is at improving sperm quality, speed and quantity.

The research was conducted by the Gynaecological Hospital, University of Heidelberg, Germany.  

  • The sample group was 45 sub-fertile men
  • Average age: 35.5 (28-47)
  • The average duration of unwanted childlessness: 4.5 years (range 2-11)
  • The average length of treatment: 10.3 months (range 6-21.5 months)
  • Seven patients dropped out after 2-5 months
  • Individualised homeopathic treatment improved sperm count and quality (progressive and propulsive motility), the density of sperm and hormones. The general health of the patients also improved significantly.
  • The patients attended the clinic every 6 weeks for review. If the remedy was still indicated, the drug was re-prescribed at a one-step higher potency. If not, a different homeopathic medicine was prescribed.

A total of 26 homeopathic medicines were prescribed. The most common ones were:

  • Natrum Muriaticum
  • Lycopodium
  • Calcarea Carbonicum
  • Pulsatilla
  • Phosphorus
  • Silica
  • Thuja

The results:

  • Significant improvements after 6, 9 and 12 months of homeopathic treatment
  • Sperm density improved by a median of 26.4 after 3 months, by 12.6% after 6 months and 37.1% after 12 months.
  • The ratio of sperm with good propulsive motility was initially pathologically low in all patients, but after 3, 6, and 9 months of therapy, it improved by 20% and after 12 months, it improved by 43%
  • The density of sperm with good propulsive motility increased above the baseline of 1.8 million. After 3 months, there was an improvement by 27.7%, 6 months by 40%, 9 months by 55.2% and 12 months by 81.5%
  • An improvement in global sperm motility improved during the first three months but especially at 6 months.
  • A total of 8 pregnancies occurred in 7 couples
  • Five pregnancies produced a healthy child or twins, while 3 ended in spontaneous abortion and two miscarriages (to the same couple). These numbers represent a baby-take-home rate of 11.1%
  • There were various improvements in men’s general health, especially those suffering from abdominal disorders. In general, the men observed greater improvement in various local symptoms than in their psychological state or more general symptoms.
  • Ironically 5 of 7 dropout patients experienced significant improvement after 3 months including a 55% increase in sperm density, 63% increase in progressive sperm motility and 106% increase in the density of sperm with good motility.
  • There were improvements in the density of sperm with good motility in men who didn’t smoke at 3 and 6 months, but these changes were not significant in men who smoked.
  • Men who drank little or no alcohol (less than 30 grams of alcohol a day) experienced an increase in sperm density with good propulsive motility of 72.2% after 3 months and 51.8% after 6 months. However, the increase for men who drank more alcohol was only 14.2% after months and was not significant.

Therefore we can see that smoking and drinking alcohol can negatively affect sperm significantly.

This study shows that homeopathic treatment can improve sperm quality and quantity in a significant way in just 3 months. This is the reason why I always try to treat both the man and the woman when I help couples to conceive where possible. If you’d like to read more about male fertility click here to read my article.

If you would like to learn more about how I work with couples to improve their fertility please click here to book a free 30-minute Zoom call with me.